Tuesday, September 29, 2009


If you ask any of my dorm mates, they have already discovered my love for baking cupcakes! Although i dont currently have any pictures of my cupcakes, I will be sure to post them soon, as i will be baking them this weekend!

I also love baking regular cakes. Here are some pictures of adorable japanese cakes from the internet! おいしいです!


... fish... cake?

Anyways, that's all for now! This weekend I will be sure to post pictures from my batch of cupcakes!


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

にほんごの Fashion!

Since my most previous post was incredibly boring, I decided i would try to make this one more interesting by throwing in some COLORFUL PICTURES! Here are some of the various japanese street fashion pics i found on the internet. Some are very cute! Others are.... umm... well you'll see.

Lolita fashion is cute, but when it is sunny out, あついですか。So much fluff!

Is this really a fashion?! Yikes! Ganguro.

"visual kei".


That's all for now! hope you enjoyed the pictures!


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Why i chose to study Japanese

I chose to study Japanese because of my interest in Japan itself. My junior year of highschool I began learning the hiragana and katakana on my own, and senior year i took an independent study course at my school. Of course, after this summer ended, i had forgotten so much! I am finding that my prior independent study course is helping me a lot during these first weeks, and i am really enjoying the course material and assignments. I decided to take a formal course so that i would learn how to correctly write the characters i had already learned, i have already developed some bad handwriting habits!

I am really excited to learn some new words and expressions. Having a human instructor (instead of a virtual one) is making things a lot clearer for me. My independent study course was basically a slow immersion program, so occasionally I would learn how to say something, but would be confused on why that was correct for one situation and not for the other. I am also very excited to learn kanji, as i do not know any kanji yet. I expect this will be the most challenging part for me.

Until next time!



