Wednesday, September 23, 2009

にほんごの Fashion!

Since my most previous post was incredibly boring, I decided i would try to make this one more interesting by throwing in some COLORFUL PICTURES! Here are some of the various japanese street fashion pics i found on the internet. Some are very cute! Others are.... umm... well you'll see.

Lolita fashion is cute, but when it is sunny out, あついですか。So much fluff!

Is this really a fashion?! Yikes! Ganguro.

"visual kei".


That's all for now! hope you enjoyed the pictures!



  1. Eek! がんぐろ girls have always scared me.  日本 is a crazy place but that's why we love it.
    (hope the characters show up properly :|)

  2. きれいなうつわ!or maybe not. I wonder how often you see this on the streets..

  3. I saw two girls dressed up as gothic lolitas walking around St. Marks a few months ago.

  4. The parasols make me happy. ^_^ I just need to wait til summer to use mine (^_^);

  5. haha yeah now we have our awesome ones from the anime festival.
